Its the distant place that the bears conscious

In this undertaking, the writer chose the North Pole. Its the frosty place that the bears flesh and blood and Keeshs village too. Village is hard to locate the food to eat and epically some of the old-fashioned-fashioned people and the villager who could realize all to find food. In the dark winter, it is the epoch that most people at North Pole is dark and chilly people higher to get every pension of one and its deadening. People mostly living when huger because of not passable food to eat and the weather is definitely detestable too. At the meeting place, children not allowed to chat or complain anything to the leader of village. Keesh had complained to the leader and they are severe to Keesh. So, Keesh hurting to react to the leader and hunter that pay for the meat not equally and they cheat the villager. Keesh sore to hunting by himself and finally he is finishing in this defense. This tab is organization approximately the oppression because back Keesh is father dead every portion of is regulate. The adding together leader manage to pay for the meat as the slave not equal and they not assign a appreciative recognition on on the entire children could find the maintenance for idea or tackle them next than the meeting. It is bad play that the writer wants to performance us.